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Bequests and Donations

Bequests and Donations:

Several members of AVETRA have made donations and bequests to AVETRA to promote VET research in the future. We each seek to leave something behind through our work and supporting those who continue afterwards is a great way of helping future VET researchers.

While some donations have been given to generally develop AVETRA activities according to our charter, some have been given for specific purposes such as annual awards, support for new researchers to get to the conference, or special research projects to develop AVETRA’s capacity.

Naturally AVETRA as a charity is well positioned to ensure all the donated funds are used directly on the action you indicate with no funds lost on administrative activity.

Donations are usual made as single gift to AVETRA.  We are happy to negotiate how the funding will be used and to either link the action to your name or leave the action as anonymous according to your wishes.

The wording below will help in drawing up a legal donation or bequeath, and the AVETRA Treasurer will be happy to discuss and assist in this process.





Your tax receipt will be issued in the following name. Please print clearly.

Title:             First Name:                 Last Name:

Suburb:        State:                          Postcode:
Country:       Phone:                        Mobile:



I would like to make a:

Single gift of: $

Recurring gift of: $  Payable Fortnightly / Monthly (1st of each month) /Annually on the 1st of (month)

I would like to remain anonymous / or be named when the funds are used.

I would like the AVETRA Executive to use the funds for:


Signature:                           Date:



Bequeaths are usually written into wills made by AVETRA members. The Bequeath may be a single payment from an estate or an annual payment from the investments of that estate. We are happy to liaise on the wording of the will to ensure the funding will be used in an appropriate way.  Once again AVETRA will either link the resulting action to your name or leave the action as anonymous according to your wishes.

The wording below will help in drawing up a legal donation or bequeath, and the AVETRA Treasurer will be happy to discuss and assist in this process.
I [enter name] give to the Australian Vocational Education and Training Research Association, for its general purposes, free of all duties, the following:

•    [enter percentage] % of my Estate or
•    The residue of my Estate or
•    whole of Estate or
•    Sum of $ [enter amount] or
•    Property, Real Estate, Shares, etc [enter appropriate bequeath item] or
•    other [enter appropriate bequeath item]

for which an authorised receipt from the Australian Vocational Education and Training Research Association, will be a sufficient discharge for the Executor.



ABN: 488 184 99031

ACNC: 6715

PO Box 576

Crows Nest NSW 

1585  Australia