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Conference Archives 2004

The Seventh Australian VET Research Association Conference
” The Heart of the Matter ”

17 – 19 March 2004

Rydges Eagle Hawk Resort, Canberra

Click HERE for the 2004 conference overview. It is a .pdf file 305kb in size which may take a few minutes to load, depending on your connection. If you do not have Acrobat Reader already on your system click HERE to download a copy. It is FREE and works on both Windows and Mac PC’s.


Refereed Papers | Non Refereed Papers

Refereed Papers

The Papers below have been refereed to comply fully with the verification requirements of the Department of Employment Science and Training for a conference publication, full written paper refereed. An anonymous refereeing process has been used. For further information please refer to the 2002 Higher Education Research Data Collection: Specifications for preparing returns for the collection of data, Higher Education Division, Department of Education, Science and Training, Canberra (available online: http//

Mr Damon Anderson – Spoilt for choice? Individuals, VET markets and lifelong learning – PA 062

Dr Jo Balatti  – How effective is action research in changing VET provider practices aimed at improving Indigenous completion rates?  – PA 036

Ian Falk Charles Darwin University, NT,   & Jo Balatti, James Cook University, QLD  – Identities of place: Their power and consequences for VET  – PA 060

Dr Barry Golding – The applicability of networks in Australian adult and vocational learning research – PA 046

Dr Sue Kilpatrick – Scanners, brokers and providers: Partners in developing learning programs  – PA 020

Mr Kisilu M Kitainge – Is institution based training for the future in the automotive industry? What the trainees have to say. – PA 003

Mr Derek Kosbab – Dispositional and Maturational Development through competency-based training interventions: Involving the Learner in the Process – PA 002

Mr Gavin Moodie – Making the learner and the teacher the heart of VET policy – PA 018

Sue O’Keefe, Brian Dollery & Lin Crase – Investigating the employees’ decision to participate in VET: Methodological considerations – PA 043

Ms Ann Rice – TAFE Managers: Juggling Educational Leadership and Accountability – PA 007

Mr Ian Robertson – Metaphor, online technology and recontextualisation in teaching – PA 056

Peter Rushbrook & Edward Wanigasekera – Towards Papua New Guinea’s first vocational education degree: reconciling modernism and cultural sustainability – PA 005

Dr Michele Simons & Dr Tom Stehlik – Getting connected: Professional development in online learning and flexible delivery in the VET sector – PA 012

Associate Professor Andrew Smith – From VET to HRD – PA 010

Dr Erica Smith – Political construction of skill: The effects of policy changes in entry-level training in Australia on participation rates and on the perception of ‘Skill’  – PA 009

Peter J Smith & Jennifer Dalton  – Developing student agency through VET in schools: the role of structured work placements  – PA 006

Dr Louise Watson  – Student Fees and charges in VET: the case for reform  – PA 034

Non Refereed Papers

Andrea Bateman  – Grading: Accuracy of subject matter experts  – PA 058

Ms Marie Bedggood  – RPL in enterprise-based RTOs: How does it work?  – PA 057

Kaaren Blom & Berwyn Clayton  – What works where you are? A snapshot of training in five rural communities  – PA 050

Robin Booth, Sue Roy and Helen Jenkins – Old but not out – a snapshot of recognition and workplace training practices in the aged care sector  – PA 059

Ms Louise Brooks  – Trends in traditional apprenticeships  – PA 045

Mr Michael Brown  – The work-related learning of tertiary teachers in VET  – Paper not available

Gerald Burke & Paul White, Monash University, VIC  – Price measures in education and training  – PA 053

Dr Clive Chappell  – Contemporary vocational learning – changing pedagogy – PA 013

Berwyn Clayton & Kaaren Blom – Doing it well, doing it better: Practitioners, pedagogy and training packages – PA 039

Miss Holly Colyer – Employer Provision of Structured Training – PA 042

Pene Davey & Pauline de Vries – Enterprising Partnerships :   Incubating Learning – PA 028

Mark Davidson & Martha Goldman – “Oh behave”… Reflecting teachers’ behaviour management practices to teachers – PA 023

Ms Susan Dawe – Enabling learners: diverse outcomes – PA 031

Ms Catherine Down – Learning in a knowledge economy: What strategies are required? – PA 048

Ms Felicity Dunn – The Credit Matrix – Building Bridges Between Qualifications – PA 055

Dr Victor Dunncliff – The Efficacy of Self-paced Learning Based on Print media – PA 029

Mr Greg Durkin – Learning by doing meets learning by working: concepts of experiential learning and the implications for vocational learning. – PA 037

Jock Grady & Chris Horton – Towards a distributed VET research model for regional Australia – PA 041

Dr Sheila Grainger – Practitioners as Professionals: Revealing the Artistry of Expert Educators - PA 067

Dr Maggie Haertsch & Ms Kylie Rowsell – The development of a Student Feedback System in a large education organisation – Paper not Available

Jock Grady, Donna Hensley & Maggie Haerstch – Case Studies of Excellent Practices and Ideas in Vocational Education, Training, Teaching and Learning – PA 025

Mr Tom Karmel – Lifelong Learning and Older Workers – presentation

Sue Holden & Shay Keating – Generic skills development of three cohorts of learners within Victoria University TAFE Division – PA 040

Dr Sue Kilpatrick – Scanners, brokers and providers: Partners in developing learning programs – PA 020

Mark Landy & Sheila Fitzgerald – The Sustainable VET Organisation: Making the Intangible Tangible – PA 044

Rose Lewanski & Shay Keating – Communities of Practice: Supporting teachers of youth (15 –19 years) in TAFE – PA 030

Christine Leys & Cath Starr, Jackie Jackson, Pauline Rowston, Therese Jones – The Breakaway Project – An alternate path – PA 035

Kinga Macpherson & Kerry Windsor – Workplace Learning through core competencies – PA 014

Fiona Martin & Catherine Down – Leading edge technology in advanced manufacturing: Supporting the needs of industry – PA 049

Suzy McKenna – Is a nod or a wink as good as a word? – PA 021

Mr Timothy McNevin – Flexibility vs. protection in managing teachers work – navigating a way forward – Paper not Available

John Mitchell & Susan Young – VET Practitioners as Specialist Change Agents – PA 011

Susan Monti & Graham Stone – Learner As Practitioner. – PA 033

Mr Gavin Moodie – Making the learner and the teacher the heart of VET policy – PA 018

Sue O’Keefe, Brian Dollery & Lin Crase – Investigating the employees’ decision to participate in VET: Methodological considerations – PA 043

Ms Phoebe Palmieri – Staffing the agile organisation: the impact of flexible learning on human resources practices in TAFE – Paper not Available

Richard Pickersgill & Dr Peter Rushbrook – The Poverty of ‘Theory’: Historical methodologies and a humanist approach to research. – PA 032

Ms Karen Plane – Wine and Cheese or Chalk and Cheese?   Discovering the ‘Attitudinal Ecology ‘ between VET and small business for capacity Building in regional South Australia – PA 024

Ms Ann Rice – TAFE Managers: Juggling Educational Leadership and Accountability – PA 007

Mr Ian Robertson – Metaphor, online technology and recontextualisation in teaching – PA 056

Ms Bronwyn Robinson – Part-time/sessional staff: Making the most of an undervalued resource  – PA 026

Helen Anderson & Anna Rolleston  – Attrition and Retention: The Missing Voice of Missing Students  – PA 027

Mr Deen Sanders  – The Strategic Training Package. Finally addressing the link between University and VET. Education in the professional space.  – Paper not Available

Dr Roger Harris , Dr Michele Simons, Dr Erica Smith, Mr Tony Bush & Mr Ted Rosenblatt – The construction of learners and the process of learning: a case study of the Certificate IV in Assessment and Workplace Training  – Paper not Available

Tanya Tankard, Clare O’Kelly & Sharon Rice  – Learning Pathways – A Diverse, Equitable and Flexible Indigenous Curriculum  – PA 016

Lisa Thompson-Gordon & Christine Robertson  – Enriching the learning experience in workplace settings through partnership  – PA 015

Mr Anthony Tyrrel  – New users of VET expect a new terminology – DISCUSSION  – PA 051

Ms Lesley Wemyss  – The new millennium the ‘same worker’?   New pedagogies for workers in Industry coping with completing competency-based learning.  – Paper not Available

Ms Leesa Wheelahan  – What are the alternatives to training packages?  – PA 022

Dr T. Aumann & Ms. I Wittman  – e-business skill and training needs in selected industry sectors.  – PA 008

Rhonda Hallett & Carolyn Woodley  – Conceptions of teaching in a dual sector institution: implications for staff development  – PA 064