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Conference Archives 2005

AVETRA 8th Annual Conference – 13 – 15 April 2005

Emerging Futures – Recent, Responsive & Relevant Research

Sofitel Brisbane

Wednesday, 13 April 2005 – Friday, 15 April 2005

Click HERE for the 2005 conference overview and Abstracts Booklet. It is a .pdf file 1.74MB in size which may take a few minutes to load, depending on your connection. If you do not have Acrobat Reader already on your system click HERE to download a copy. It is FREE and works on both Windows and Mac PC’s.


*** Refereed papers

Papers annotated with an asterisk in the Contents below have been refereed to comply fully with the verification requirements of the Department of Education, Science and Training for a conference publication, full written paper refereed. An anonymous refereeing process has been used. For further information please refer to the 2002 Higher Education Research Data Collection: Specifications for preparing returns for the collection of data, Higher Education Division, Department of Education, Science and Training, Canberra
(available online: http//: ).

REF Author(s) Identifier Paper Title
*** Stephen Black PA 072 TAFE head teachers: Discourse brokers at the management/teaching interface
*** Roslyn Cameron PA 050 The mature age in transition: Innovative practice for re-engagement
*** Sarojini Choy & Brian Delahaye PA 023 Some principles for Youth Learning
*** Bethany Cooper & Sue O’Keefe PA 011 The importance of credit transfer in the decision to undertake post-compulsory education: and exercise in experimental choice analysis
*** Dawn Edwards & Richard Pickersgill PA 035 The contribution of VET to innovation in regional industry
*** Shelley Gillis & Andrea Bateman PA 010 The Development of a Framework for Assessing Complexity of Units of Learning Across Schools, VET and Higher Education
*** Barry Golding PA 027 About FACE: Implications of research into men’s learning patterns in rural towns
*** Ms Lauri Grace PA 008 Training Packages and the AQTF: Freedom to move or components of a compliance-driven straightjacket?
*** Annette Green PA 057 Changing direction to make a difference: New voices in VET in Schools
*** R. E. (Bobby) Harreveld PA 060 Walking the walk – vocational educators and researchers using technology to learn about technology
*** Roger Harris & Michele Simons PA 047 Playing the right tune in VET research: Using cognitive testing to improve our instruments
*** Joan McPhee PA 024 Privately Owned Registered Training Organisations in Victoria – Diversity as an emerging theme?
*** Gavin Moodie PA 046 Emerging futures in VET policy in Australia and overseas
*** Diane Newton, Maj. Paul Ashman & Allan Ellis PA 014 The Australian Army soldiers’ perspective of flexible learning: Reserve distance learning pilot
*** Sue O’Keefe, Lin Crase & Darryl Maybery PA 012 Economic, psychographic and organizational influences on employees’ participation in VET: Preliminary results
*** Peter Smith PA 021 Understandings of learning styles among VET practitioners
*** Helen Spiers PA 058 Indigenous participation in health sciences education: elements of the institutional learning environment critical for course completion
*** Leesa Wheelahan PA 037 Theorising the relationship between the individual, knowledge and skill
*** Lorraine White-Hancock PA 032 The silent teacher: spoken and unspoken rhetorics and the politics of training reform

Non-refereed Papers

Author(s) Identifier Paper Title
A. Anlezark, K. Ong, S. Thomson Paper not available Does participation in school VET programs result in successful outcomes for students in the short-term?
Andrea Averis, Susan Dawe Paper not available Evidence for policy: NCVER’s systematic reviews of research – processes and outcomes.
Homi Azemikhah PA 049 The Design of Competency Based Learning Resources for VET Training Packages using learner centred, work centred and attribute focused simulation strategies
Llandis Barratt-Pugh, B. English, B. Jones, C. Malony and J. Elderfield PA 097 Framing development in terms of professional health: constructing an instrument to monitor organizational ‘wellness’ and inform development practices within the WA Public Services
Stephen Billett, Allie Clemans, Terri Seddon PA 065 Forming, developing and maintaining social partnerships in VET
Jeanne Boote PA 019 Young VET Learners with disabilities: Acquiring ‘learning skills’ for life and work
Anita Buczkowsky PA 077 Drivers of change. Researching where VET is heading
Prof Gerald Burke Paper not available Public and private spending on education and training: trends and implications
Victor Callan & John Gardner PA 098 VET Provision and Recidivism in Queensland Correctional Institutions
Pam Caven Paper not available Australian VET – an Overview
Berwyn Clayton and Thea Fisher PA 073 Sharing critical ‘know how’ in TAFE institutes: Benefits and barriers
Leisje Connelly Paper not available Quick fixes and bandaids: sites of vocational education for youth
Keith Crampton PA 004 Employer sponsored learning: re-reading the texts
Monique Dawson Paper not available Productivity, participation and place – a three-dimensional approach to evaluating publicly funded programs in Queensland
Cathy Down Paper not available Transferring and adapting competence across different contexts: a metaphoric framework
Cathy Down & Mike Brown Paper not available Action research and activity theory: what are the essential differences?
Ms Felicity Dunn PA 005 Incentives and Disincentives to Learning and the role of Credit Based Frameworks in encouraging Learners
Deborah Eagles, Marcia Pope, Pam Woodward PA 045 Indigenous learners in the digital age: recognizing skills and knowledge
Lesley Farrell, Damon Anderson, Stephen Billett, Allie Clemans, Bernard Holkner, Terri Seddon

Paper not available

 Paying attention to new VET learning spaces!

Fran Ferrier PA 016 Meeting new challenges – are specialist VET centres the way forward?
Fran Ferrier Paper not available The skill & training needs of young volunteers
Lyn Firminger PA 068 Microtechnology: the technology we have to have?
Annette Foley PA 042 Searching for the “C” in ACE
Colin Gallagher & Damon Anderson PA 096 The Virtual IT Training affair: a case study of market failure and neoliberalism in VET
John Guenther PA 055 Pathways to effective training outcomes: lessons from northern Australia
Ms Silke Hellwig PA 015 The competency debate in German VET research: implications for learning processes based on Vocationalism
Claire Manning PA 052 Hidden Treasures: Work related learning using the arts
Dr. Stuart Middleton PA 062 Research as a Second Career: Research Culture in a VET Setting
Mr. John Mitchell PA 026 Effective VET networking with industry in the marketplace
Jennifer Nevard & Doug Thompson PA 094 Tracking student aspirations – a work in progress
Karen Plane PA 036 Becoming more responsive to VET or becoming over vetted? Tensions for the ‘political ecology’ in VET and capacity building with small business/community partnerships in the Adelaide Hills region
Ian Robertson Paper not available Teacher’s negotiating the use of online technology: Implications for professional development
Ian Robertson Paper not available VET practitioners: Active participants in the introduction of technology into teaching
Josie Rose, Mary Schooneveldt, Glenda McPherson Paper not available Flexible ACE – Investigating flexible teaching and learning in Adult Community Education, Victoria
Peter Rushbrook, Michael Brown & Richard Pickersgill Paper not available Emerging pasts: the role of the Instructional Systems Model (ISM) as a precursor of outcomes based vocation educational and training
Katie Scholten PA 022 Success & successes, working with youth at risk
Mr James Shields PA 003 Corporations, Learning Strategies and Teachers Work
Michelle Spuler PA 092 Collaborative Frameworks: A TAFE Queensland Case Study
John Stanwick & Hugh Guthrie Paper not available Lower level AQF qualifications: Pathways to where?
Terry Taylor & Josie Rose PA 028 Bridging the divide: older learners and new technologies. Strategies for engaging older learners with ICT training
Tania Teese PA 033 Chefs or cooks: the impact of social change on cooker education
Sarah-Jane Terrill & Christine Robertson PA 054 Learning from the learner: Exploring the relationship between workplace culture and workplace learning
Mr Douglas Thompson Paper not available Creating a Student Centred Training Program – notes from the workface – creating a Student Responsive Learning Environment.
Cliff Trood Paper not available The Dilemma of Skill Shortages in Regional Areas – a case study of manufacturing skills on the North Coast of NSW
Lesley Wemyss Paper not available Building networks of assessors in remote Queensland for the purposes of: moderating assessment tools; and tailoring assessments for participants with a disability