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Conference Archives 2000

2000 AVETRA Conference

Future Research, Research Futures
23-24 March 2000
Rydges, London Circuit, Canberra

The 2000 AVETRA Conference was held on 23 and 24 March 2000 at Rydges, Canberra. The conference provided an opportunity for all those interested in VET and VET research to focus on future research needs and the future of research in the sector.

The conference program will include around 80 papers (some 30 more than previous years) as well as a number of innovative workshops and other sessions on research methods.

The conference sought to map and describe research conducted by universities, TAFE Institutes, other VET providers, Industry Training Advisory Bodies (ITABs), private consultants, unions and teachers, trainers and students to examine the implications of such diversity on:

  • the changing nature of work – implications for VET policy and practice
  • emerging technologies – can research support planning and the delivery of training?
  • the internationalisation of VET
  • enterprise and educational innovation
  • flexible delivery approaches – evaluating outcomes and informing learning
  • research and technology, using technology in research – implications for researchers and the researched.


All abstracts and papers are stored online in Adobe Portable Document Format (PDF). You will need the Adobe Acrobat Reader software to view them. Download the Adobe Acrobat Reader here if you do not already have it installed on your computer.

Note: Where there is no link for a conference paper, please contact author direct for further details.

2000 Conference Abstracts and Papers

Katrina Ball, Josie Misko and Andrew Smith
The training needs of older workers
Abstract | Full paper

Llandis Barratt-Pugh
In search of truths: pursuing the illusions of objectivity or mirroring the processes of learning?
Abstract Full paper

Rowena Bell, Sue Kilpatrick and Peter Kilpatrick
Vocational Education and Training in rural schools: education for the community
Abstract | Full paper

Robin Booth
Competency Based Assessment — One minute wonder or here to stay? Practitioners’ Attitudes to Assessment in 2000
Abstract Full paper

Christine Owen and Helen Bound
Strategic alliances and the new world of work: some preliminary findings
Abstract Full paper

Graeme Brown
Statistical clearing house: reducing the burden of business surveys

Michael Brown
Work-related learning and changing the nature of work
Abstract | Full paper

Gerald Burke
Improving the incentive for investment in learning by adults
Abstract | Full paper

George Campbell (Presenter: Janelle Moy)
Relationship between course design, delivery and course outcomes
Abstract | Full paper

Merilyn Childs
The seductive hope of educational work
Abstract | Full paper

Paul Hager, John Garrick and Suzanne Crowley
Generic Competencies and Workplace Reform in the Australian Construction Industry
Abstract | Full paper

Jenni Devereaux
The changing nature of work and the new politics of literacy: implications for VET in Australia

Catherine M. Down
Key competencies in training packages
Abstract | Full paper

Catherine M. Down
Facilitating educational growth: the use of learning mentors in the DipFE program
Abstract | Full paper

Daryl Dymock and Rod Gerber
Unintergrated training? Exploring links between off-and on-the-job learning
Full paper

Ian Falk
Social capital and VET: The role of partnerships and enabling leadership.
Partnerships and enabling leadership in VET: develop social capital
Abstract | Full paper

Brett Freeland
Apprentices and trainees in Australian small and medium sized enterprises
Abstract | Full paper

Jennifer Gibb
Identifying research themes and priorities for the National VET Research and Evaluation Program
Abstract | Full paper

Barry Golding and Kevin Vallence
The university — VET transition
Abstract | Full paper

Annette Green
Voices in VET: What is it like to be involved in VET programs in schools?
Abstract | Full paper

Paul Hanrahan
Work as paid employment: Why is it changing and Why is it all happening? — An Australian perspective
Abstract | Full paper

Roger Harris and Michele Simons
Trying to hit a moving target: A study of perspectives and practices in VET staff development
Abstract | Full paper

Roger Harris and Michele Simons
“There are workplace trainers and then there are workplace trainers”: Re-conceptualising their role as workers and trainers
Abstract | Full paper

Stewart Hase
Measuring organisational capability: beyond competence
Abstract | Full paper

Sarah Hayman
VET research information from around the world: VOCED — Australia’s international Vocational Education and Training research database

Anne Herbert
Collaborative insider research in VET
Abstract | Full paper

Doug Hill and Sarojni Choy
Managing a case study approach in VET research to address the funding agency’s criteria

Sonnie Hopkins
Researching VET and the voluntary sector: getting started
Abstract | Full paper

Keir Kirkby
“I am still studying, l just have not finished” — research into the reasons for student non-completion at OTEN-DE
Abstract | Full paper

Michael Singh and Peter Kell
English Rules OK? English Language Training and Its Role in Selling the Global Local Englishes

Sue Kilpatrick, Susan Johns and Ted Rosenblatt
Contributions of VET to regional communities
Abstract | Full paper

Lola Krogh
Lifelong learning in the new millenium — a shared responsibility approach
Abstract | Full paper

Michaela Kronemann
Learning from history: Towards a new deal for TAFE

Christopher Lawson and Wayne Beswick
Young people in new apprenticeships measuring participation for life long learning

Rose Lewanski and Jenny Minter
Admin training company’s best scenarios

Douglas Maclean
A case study in collaboration between industry and a VET institution delivering a quality assurance program to diary farmers

Tom Maxwell, David Laird and Robyn Smyth
Selected software packages provide a powerful toolkit for research into VET

John McIntyre
Reporting on patterns of local participation in VET: findings from a study of Melbourne postcodes

Phillip McKenzie
Using longitudinal data for research on VET
Abstract | Full paper

Cathy McNickle
Practice firms — just how valuable are they? Some business partners perspectives

Josie Misko, Jan Patterson and Rosemary Markotic
The effectiveness of work-place training and assessment practices in on-job traineeships

John Mitchell
The impact of E-commerce on Online learning systems in the VET sector
Abstract | Full paper

Dianne Mulcahy and Pauline James
What skill? Whose knowing?: Futures for CBT
Abstract | Full paper

Tom Murphy and Patrick Bradbery
TAFE as a proactive partner in VET in Schools
Abstract | Full paper

Wayne Beswick, David Ray, Christopher Lawson and Clare O’Brien
Attrition in apprenticeships — some recent research results and future research needs

Suzanne O’Keefe
Management education — a case study. Student perceptions of the role of the employer in formal off-the-job education
Abstract | Full paper

Oanh Phan and Katrina Ball
Outcomes from enabling courses

Heather Pitt
Selling TAFE Short: are VCE business students deterred from choosing the TAFE option?
Abstract | Full paper

Louise Watson and Beverley Pope
A cross-sectoral examination of equity and access data

David Boud, Clive Chappell, John McIntyre, Nicky Solomon, Colin Symes and Mark Tennant
The RAVL Symposium: New questions about work and learning
Abstract | Full paper

Ann Rice
The leadership of change — a TAFE study
Abstract | Full paper

Erica Smith, Roger Harris, Michele Simons, Maddy Harford and Ian Robertson
Evaluating on and off-job approaches to learning and assessment in apprenticeships and traineeships
Abstract | Full paper

Bruce Rowlands
How owner/managers decide to participate with new apprenticeships for the first time?: A grounded theory approach
Abstract | Full paper

Helen Modra, Terri Seddon and Peter Waterhouse
Exploring capacity-building

Peter Shanahan
Police culture and the learning organisation; A relationship? Preliminary findings
Abstract | Full paper

Andy Smith
Mapping VET Research: towards a new agenda

C. Selby Smith
The Impact of VET Research
Full paper

Erica Smith
Teenagers’ full-time work and learning: a case study in what research findings say about policy, practice, theory and further research possibilities
Abstract | Full paper

Peter J Smith
Preparing learners and workplaces in the effective use of flexible delivery for workforce training
Abstract | Full paper

Jane Stewart
Implementing training packages: bringing learning into focus
Abstract | Full paper

Heather Symons and Michele Simons
Trainee and apprentice retention and attrition in Australia
Abstract | Full paper

Heather Symons
Measuring performance: using surveys for institutional feedback and planning
Abstract | Full paper

Merilyn Childs and Regine Wagner
Workbased learning as critical social pedagogy
Abstract | Full paper

Anne Walsh
Flexibility through technology — lessons from the field
Abstract | Full paper

Greg Webb and Julie Gibson
Three years down the track: what has worked; what hasn’t — a review of a 100% online delivery program in TAFE NSW
Abstract | Full paper

Kerri A. Weeks
Best practice in managing diversity in TAFE distance learning centres
Abstract | Full paper

Lesley Wemyss
Culturally sensitive flexible delivery to indigenous people that achieves positive outcomes

Karen Whittingham and Fran Ferrier
Predicting skill needs in Australia’s emerging industries and mechanisms for response by VET systems. Paper is research in progress. Interested parties are invited to contact the authors directly by email:

Graeme Young and Lucy Stockdale
Research tools and techniques in planning: A practical overview of present and anticipated research tools used in a Victorian TAFE Institute

Susan Young
Measuring long term impacts of short term projects
Abstract | Full paper

Marie Zuvich
In their own words: what migrants say about succeeding in TAFE
Full paper