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2000-2001 Inaugural Award Winner:
Judith Uren, Manager Research, Research & Strategic Policy Analysis Unit
Central Metropolitan College of TAFE, Western Australia.

Her Research Outline:
To build on the existing information on student outcomes by closely examining the individual student, environment and institutional practices which affect successful student outcomes.

Aim of the Scholarship:
This Scholarship is a joint initiative between AUSTAFE and AVETRA.  The aim of this joint arrangement is two-fold:
1.  To encourage a Research culture within TAFE.
2.  To encourage TAFE Managers to undertake research that is relevant to their
workplace, and is of national significance.

Value of the Scholarship:
The value of the Scholarship is in excess of $4,000 in cash and kind, including a year’s subscription to the two sponsor Organisations, conference registrations, etc.