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Contents of Past Journals


Volume 7 Number 1 – June 2009

ARTICLES      Thomas Deissinger      The European Qualifications Framework to the European Lifelong Learning Perspective: How European countries are preparing to cope with the new philospohy of VET – PDF
  John Cokley and W Rankin Ethnic and Cultural Focus in Airport Driver Training- PDF
  Terri Seddon The Productivity Challengein Australia: The case for professional renewal in VET teaching – PDF
  Brenda Pritchard and Damon Anderson The Victorian Certificate of Applied Learning in TAFE: Chanllenges, issues and implications for teachers – PDF


 Volume 6 Number 2 – December 2008

ARTICLES  Waheed Asghar and Sulaman Hafeez Siddi Apprenticeship training in Pakistan: A comparative study of apprenticeship practices in Punjab and european countries – PDF
  Hitendra Pillay, Kathy Kelly and Megan Tones Exploring work and development options to reduce early labour force exit of mature aged Australians – PDF
  Louise Watson Improving the experience of TAFE award-holders in higher education – PDF
  Chris Van Der Linde TAFE Diploma Graduates: Personal capital investments and returns – PDF
  Ruth Wallace, Mark Manado, Cathy Curry and Richard Agar Working from our strengths: Partnership in learning – PDF


Volume 6 Number 1 – June 2008

ARTICLES  Ian Robertson VET teachers’ knowledge and expertise – PDF
  Michele Simons and Erica Smith The understandings about learners and learning that are imparted in Certificate IV level courses for VET teachers and trainers – PDF
  Darryn Snell and Alison Hart Reasons for non-completion and dissatisfaction among apprentices and trainees: a regional case study – PDF
  Nadezda Novakovic Thinking on the edge: the influence of discussion and statistical data on awarders’ perceptions of borderline candidates in an Angoff awarding meeting – PDF


Vol 5 Number 2 – December 2007

ARTICLES   Robin J Ryan Commonwealth power in respect of vocational education in Australia: some historical vignettes with future potential PDF
  Joanne Pyke, Santina Bertone, Marty Grace and Robyn Broadbent. Two birds with one social policy stone: youth employment and regional skills shortages in Australia. PDF
  Sue O’Keefe, Lin Crase and Brian Dollery Does the reality of workplace training match the theory? An analysis of public sector employees’ training decisions PDF
  Paul Comyn Industry links with vocational education and training in China. PDF


Vol 5 Number 1 – April 2007

ARTICLES   Susanne Armstrong Factors impacting upon the performance of Workplace Assessors: A case study PDF
  Michelle Barker and Leigh Habermann Global strategies for international education providers in Australia: A case study of Tropical North Queensland TAFE PDF
  S. Choy and J. Woodlock Implementing Indigenous Standpoint Theory: Challenges for a TAFE Trainer PDF
  Stephen Darwin The changing contexts of vocational education: Implications for institutional vocational learning PDF


Vol 4 Number 2 – December 2006

ARTICLES Sue Kilpatrick and Pat Millar Extension and the VET Sector: Time for closer alignment? PDF
  Nola Alloway, Leanne Dalley-Trim, Annette Patterson & Karen Walker Trade Barriers: To Invest, or not to invest, In a Trade as a career PDF
  Martin Johnson A review of vocational research in the UK 2002-2006: Measurement and accessibility issues PDF
  Mehmet Taspinar Restructuring the Turkish Vocational Technical Secondary Education System towards EU membership PDF


Vol 4 Number 1 – April 2006

ARTICLES Silke Hellwig The competency debate in German VET: an analysis of current reform approaches PDF
  Chris Van Der Linde A new paradigm for evaluating TAFE graduate outcomes PDF
  Thomas Deissinger, Erica Smith and Richard Pickersgill Models of full-time and part-time vocational training for school-leavers: A comparison between Germany and Australia PDF
  Tony Brown Education for organising in a hot climate: a manufacturing union experience PDF


Vol 3 Number 2 – December 2005

ARTICLES Chris Selby Smith and Fran Ferrier Funding arrangements for VET students with a disability: more talk or actual improvement? PDF
  Andy Smith and Sephen Billett Myth and reality: Employer sponsored training in Australia PDF
  Tom McDonald and Beverly Jackling An analysis of the environment as a means of assessing training needs in the Insurance industry in Australia PDF
  Jonathan Winterton From bologna to Copenhagen: Progress towards a European credit transfer system for VET PDF


Vol 3 Number 1 – April 2005

ARTICLES Angela Hill and Sue Helme VET in schools for indigenous students. ‘hands on’, default, or promising? PDF
  Malcolm Abbott Strategic directions in New Zealand’s tertiary education PDF
  Clare McBeath Vocational Centres in Fiji Schools: A needs analysis
  Shelley Gillis and Patrick Griffin Principles underpinning graded assessment in VET: a critique of prevailing perceptions PDF
  Penny Hoy-Mack Workplace assessment in New Zealand: stated intentions and realisations PDF


Vol 2 Number 2 – December 2004

ARTICLES Damon Anderson Adult learners and choice in further education and training markets: constructing the jigsaw puzzle PDF
  Gavin Moodie Reverse Transfer in Australia
  Geoffery A. Tickell and Kosmas X. Smyrnios TAFE-to-university transition: the effectiveness of an accounting degree articulation program
  Stewart Hase and Helen Saenger When quality counts: implementing competency assessment in the workplace PDF
BOOK REVIEW Gail E. FitzSimons, Faculty of Education, Monash University Stevenson, John (ed.) 2003, Developing vocational expertise: Principles and issues in vocational education, Allen & Unwin Sydney PDF


Vol 2 Number 1 – April 2004

ARTICLES Malcolm Abbott and Hristos Doucouliagos The cost efficiency of New Zealand’s polytechnics PDF
  Simon Roodhouse Employability and workforce development- a policy and practise dilemma for higher education PDF
  Anne Graham, Renata Phelps, Berenice Kerr and Lee McMaster Pushing the boundaries or overstepping the mark? Exploring the potential of university courses for final year high school students’ career pathways PDF
  Susan Johns, Sue Kilpatrick and Barton Loechel Pathways from rural schools: does school VET make a difference? PDF
INVITED ARTICLE Thomas Deissinger Germanys system of vocational education and training challenges and modernisation issues PDF
POLICY AND PRACTICE Kate Fannon ‘Needle Stick’- a role-play simulation: transformative learning in complex dynamic social systems PDF


Vol 1 Number 2 – December 2003

ARTICLES Catherine M Down The impact of training packages: what might we learn about substantial system-wide change processes? PDF
  Kisilu Mashtakh Kitainge Voices of the stakeholders: a case of power mechanics in Kenya PDF
  Viveca Lindberg Vocational knowing and the content in vocational education PDF
  Robyn Smyth Implementing VET in New South Wales government schools: investigating implementers’ expectations and perspectives PDF
  Rebecca Soden and Bob Pithers The realization of critical thinking aims in a degree program for vocational tutors PDF

Vol 1 Number 1 – April 2003

ARTICLES Pauline James and Pam St Leger Crossing school-community boundaries for vocational education: enabling learning for potential early school leavers PDF
  Sue Kilpatrick and John Guenther Successful VET partnerships in Australia PDF
  Gavin Moodie The missing link in Australian tertiary education: short-cycle higher education PDF
INVITED ARTICLE Jittie Brandsma Vocational education and training reform in the Netherlands: seven years experience
POLICY AND PRACTICE Doug McCurry Notions of generic and work-related skills: essential, core, necessary and key skills and competencies
  Hans-Guenter Wagner The Sino-German experience – 20 years of cooperation in vocational education and traniing