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Conference Archives 2008

Papers presented at the AVETRA 2008 Conference

VET in Context

ISBN: 978-0-9805275-0-6

Papers are in order of plenary sessions, workshops and symposium, then per order of concurrent sessions as they were presented at the Conference.

Please click on the author(s)’ name(s) to be redirected on the full paper.

Titles with *** in front are refereed papers

Plenary Sessions

Plenary 1

Where is ‘Place’ in VET?
Professor Margaret Somerville

Plenary 3

Institutional and cultural determinants of national VET systems – problems arising with the European Qualifications Framework
Professor Thomas Deissinger

Plenary 4

Crafting capacity in VET: Towards an agenda for learning and researching in the VET workforce
Professor Terri Seddon


From Research (and Practice) to Publication
Rick Holden, Erica Smith

Statistics with Meaning
Michelle Circelli, Bridget Wibrow


Population measures and the ALL Survey: a dialogue for policy activists.

It’s not just about numbers – numeracy and Australian Training
Dave Tout

*** Literacy and lifeskills in Australia: implications for policy activism
Sue Shore, Jean Searle

Concurrent Sessions

Concurrent Sessions 1.1

Career advice and career plans: Sources, satisfaction and realisation
David Curtis, Sheldon Rothman, Kylie Hillman, Julie McMillan

Can learning outcomes be divorced from processes of learning? Or why training packages make very bad curriculum
Leesa Wheelahan

Doing an Apprenticeship: What young people think
Josie Misko

LLN teachers and health workers: Partnership programs in action
Stephen Black

*** The role of e-learning in ‘holistic’ approaches to VET in remote Australian Indigenous contexts
Alicia Boyle, Ruth Wallace

Concurrent Sessions 1.2

***VET in a dual sector context: augury or anomaly?
Gavin Moodie

***Disorienting VET: Enhancing VET practice through transformative learning
Steven Hodge

Wasted skills: The hospitality industry and its young chefs
Richard McDermott

Somali students in VET- some factors influencing pathways
Maree Keating, Bonnie Simons

***Trust and the informal communication of training need and demand between VET providers and users
Peter Rushbrook, Richard Pickersgill

Concurrent Sessions 2.1

***What’s it like for students? Enhancing the student experience from VET to University
Barbara Cram, Vaughan Croucher, Bruce Lines

*** What do senior figures in Australian VET think about traineeships?
Erica Smith

***Aligning human resource development with business strategy
Tom Short

What’s in a word? The ‘problem’ of women and ‘barriers’ to VET participation
Jeannie Daniels

***Let the men speak: health, friendship, community and shed therapy
Annette Foley, Barry Golding, Mike Brown

The Question of Competency Certainty; moving from quality to excellence in vocational education
Homi Azemikhah

Concurrent Sessions 2.2

***Managing credit transfer from TAFE to university: the case for cross-sectoral collaboration
Louise Watson, Barbara Cram

***Improved student satisfaction with teaching quality in VET: how it may have happened
Peter Murphy

***Enhanced training models for higher level VET qualifications
Sarojni Choy, Kaye Bowman

Supporting Women in Non-traditional Trade
Fiona Shewring

***The implications for VET policy and practice arising from the findings of PhD research exploring the impact of privately owned RTOs in Victoria
Joan McPhee

***Designing and validating a new research methodology: learning through practice
Cathy Down

Concurrent Sessions 3.1

***General Staff in VET contexts: what are their working lives like?
Michele Simons, Roger Harris

***RPL in Australian VET: What do we know (about it)?
Helen Smith

A model for the design of a new-skills-strategy for the Creative Industries sector
Kelvin Baker

E-learning for the Mature Age Worker
Annie Fergusson, Kaye Bowman

Developing workforce planning and training models for the resources industries, using needs-based research
Ernest Baafi, Peter Kell, Ray Tolhurst

Concurrent Sessions 3.2

Human Capital Enhanced by VET
Suzy McKenna
(The version linked to the above title is a shorter version of Suzy McKenna’s paper. For a longer version, please click on the following:

ePortfolios: Policy Issues and Interoperability
Jerry Leeson

*** Meeting workforce planning and development challenges: a direct role for the VET sector
John Spoehr, Kate Barnett, Eric Parnis

Technical and vocational learning: Crafting Toolboxes from Metal and Clay
John Pardy

Risky business all round: prompting awareness of whiteness in an online learning space
Sue Shore

***Safe Places Training Framework: Building Indigenous capacity through work based VET in remote communities
Ruth Wallace, Lyn Chick

Concurrent Sessions 4.1

Equivalence and contextualisation in Transnational Education
Carolyn Woodley

Avenues Other: A limited enquiry into workplace delivery and assessment
Glenn Costin, Andrew Nichols

***The Bold and the Beautiful: Educators tuning into Millennials
David McLean

***Shedding School Early: Insights from School and Community Shed Collaboration in Australia
Barry Golding, Annette Foley, Mike Brown

Costs of training apprentices
Lisa Nechvoglod

Concurrent Sessions 4.2

***VET support system for disadvantaged young People in Germany – best Practices, Deficiencies and Changes against the Background of the Education Policy of the European Union
Bettina Siecke

***From the learners’ perspective: a case study of VET Graduates
Louise Fitzgerald

Participation in Senior Schooling: The Vocational Alternative and the Role of VET
David Curtis, Julie McMillan

***Working from Our Strengths: Indigenous Enterprise and Training in Action and Research
Winner of the Early Career Researcher Award 2008
Ruth Wallace, Cathy Curry, Richard Agar

An industry-led VET system: lessons for Australia from England and Wales
Mark Cully

Concurrent Sessions 5.1

ACE outcomes – following suit?’
Helen Kimberley

Exploring the working knowledge of teachers in a multi-sectorial institution
Rhonda Hallett

Capabilities of the emerging “Advanced VET Practitioner”
John Mitchell

***Serving multiple masters: Reviewing the role and recognition of VET within the Victorian Senior Secondary Certificates
Mike Brown, Darryl Sutton

***Are Australian jobs becoming more skill-intensive? Evidence from the HILDA dataset
Winner of the Best Paper Award 2008
Doug Fraser

Putting Research to work
Cheryl Wilkinson

Concurrent Sessions 5.2

Recontextualising the Context of VET research ? Beyond Instrumentalism to Ulrike Beck’s risk society
Peter Kell

***Understanding Mentoring Models with Indigenous Trainees and Staff
Tanyah Nasir

***Professional Development: What Casual TAFE Teachers Want
Susanne Francisco

Engaging the Disengaged: A Journey of Discovery, Despair and Delight!
Jenny McCormick, Genevieve Haskett

Skills shortages and future skills requirements for the Labour force
Angel Calderon, Lucy Stockdale

***Discourse Analysis as a VET research tool: analysing the frontline management initiative
Llandis Barratt-Pugh

Concurrent Sessions 6.1

High level vocational qualifcations in theory and practice: the operationalising of certain vocational graduate qualifications
Elizabeth Ruinard

***Knowledge sharing as a key driver of professional learning and development for an ageing VET practitioner workforce and for VET organisations
Mark Harris, Terry Clark

***Problem based learning and internship: Moving from industry to school
Annette Green

RPL Policy to Practice: Why the reticence of practitioners to engage?
Janet Hewson

Perception of change in education, training and development in the NSW Police Service, post the Wood Royal Commission
Don Gillies

Concurrent Sessions 6.2

The experience of piloting a multi-disciplinary community leadership program that aligns to education for sustainable development principles
Sharon Zivkovic

The Art of making: Towards descriptions of being and doing
Glenn Costin