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Conference Archives 2011

AVETRA’s 14th Annual Conference
Research in VET: Janus – Reflecting Back, Projecting Forward

Thursday, 28 – Friday 29 April 2011
Rendezvous Hotel Melbourne, VIC

Papers annotated with three asterisks have been refereed to comply fully with HERDC (Higher Education Research Data Collection) verification requirements for a conference publication, full written paper refereed. An anonymous refereeing process has been used. Please note that even with papers that are peer-reviewed in this way, AVETRA can accept no responsibility for the quality or veracity of the content.

Papers and Presentations made available on this website are protected by the ISBN: 978-0-9805275-3-7. Any reproduction, part or in full, or use of papers/presentations’ content needs to be authorised by the authors and the AVETRA President.


Programme 2011
To view the programme for the 2011 Conference, please click here.


Papers and Powerpoint Presentations 2011

Keynote Presentations:


Professor Roger Harris, University of South Australia, Adelaide
PowerPoint Presentation


Dr John Rice, NCVER, SA
PowerPoint Presentation


Dr Gary Willmott OAM, Visiting Research Fellow and former Executive Director, Institute for Adult Learning Singapore, Singapore
PowerPoint Presentation


A/Prof Leesa Wheelahan, LH Martin Institute for Higher Education Leadership & Management, University of Melbourne, VIC
PowerPoint Presentation


Concurrent Sessions Presentations


Abstract 2*** – VET in Higher Education: Rethought Pathways, Pedagogy or Pragmatism?
Gavin Moodie¹, Leesa Wheelahan², Emma Curtin³, Sophia Arkoudis², Emmaline Bexley²
¹RMIT, Brunswick East, VIC, Australia
²University of Melbourne, Parkville, VIC, Australia
³Australian Council for Educational Research, Melbourne, VIC, Australia
PowerPoint Presentation


Abstract 3*** – The Pathology of Imagination and Its Cure
Kenneth Meyer
NSW TAFE Wagga & Charles Stuart University, Wagga Wagga, NSW, Australia
PowerPoint Presentation


Abstract 4 – Investigating the Measurability of the Generic Skills of Apprentices in the Traditional Trades
Joe Pagnoccolo
Swinburne University, Hawthorn, VIC, Australia
No Paper Available

PowerPoint Presentation


Abstract 5 – A Methodological Scan of NCVER Funded REesearch 1992-2010
Roslyn Cameron
Central Queensland University, Gladstone, QLD, Australia
PowerPoint Presentation


Abstract 6*** – Quality Frameworks and Procedural Checklists for Mixed Methods Research
Roslyn Cameron
Central Queensland University, Gladstone, QLD, Australia
PowerPoint Presentation


Abstract 8 – Sustaining E-Tech Innovations – What Are the Success Factors for Australian Organisations?
Annie Fergusson², Victor Callan¹, Kaye Bowman³
¹University of Queensland, St Lucia, QLD, Australia
²The Australian Flexible Learning Framework, Adelaide, SA, Australia
³Consultant, Sydney, NSW, Australia
PowerPoint Presentation


Abstract 9*** – VET Assessment: A Student Perspective
Larry Smith¹, Berwyn Clayton²
¹University of New England, Armidale, NSW, Australia
²Victoria University, Melbourne, VIC, Australia
PowerPoint Presentation


Abstract 10 – How Do We Know Our Chinese Teaching Partners are Doing A Good Job? A Project to Determine Good Practice in Supervision of Offshore TAFE Teachers and in Moderation of Courses
Kate Dempsey
Victorian TAFE International, Melbourne, VIC, Australia
PowerPoint Presentation


Abstract 11*** – Change and VET – Thinking the Unthinkable
Don Zoellner
Charles Darwin University, Alice Springs, NT, Australia


Abstract 12*** – Introducing Mandatory Training Systems: Investigating the Implementation of Compulsory Pre-Site Construction Training
Llandis Barratt-Pugh, Sue Bahn
Edith Cowan University, Perth, WA, Australia
PowerPoint Presentation


Abstract 13*** – Motivating Apprentice Chefs to Stay the Course: Understanding Expectations
Richard McDermott
University of Technology, Sydney, NSW, Australia
PowerPoint Presentation


Abstract 14*** – Lessons From an Evaluation of ‘TrainingPlus’: An Attempt to Bridge a Cultural Divide through a Training and Employment Initiative
John Guenther¹, Keith Castle², Nick Raymond², Karin Berschl³
¹Cat Conatus, Alice Springs, Northern Territory
²Desert Peoples Centre, Alice Springs, Northern Territory
³Centre for Appropriate Technology, Alice Springs, Northern Territory
PowerPoint Presentation


Abstract 15*** – VET and VET Educators: Understanding Teacher Dilemmas in Providing Quality Educational Experience to International Students in Brisbane
Sonal Nakar
Queensland University of Technology, Brisbane, QLD, Australia

 Abstract 18*** – Modelling of Vocational Excellence: An International Perspective

Helen Smith¹, Mohammad Ali Rahimi²
¹RMIT, Melbourne, VIC, Australia
²Deakin University, Melbourne, VIC, Australia
PowerPoint Presentation


Abstract 20*** – Management Practices and Innovation Capacity in Enterprises
Andy Smith¹, Jerry Courvisanos¹, Steve McEachern², Jackie Tuck¹
¹University of Ballarat, Ballarat, VIC, Australia
²Australian National University, Canberra, ACT, Australia
PowerPoint Presentation


Abstract 21*** – Demand for Apprenticeships and Traineeships: What are the Implications for the Future?
Erica Smith¹, Tony Bush²
¹University of Ballarat, Ballarat, VIC, Australia
²Charles Sturt University, Wagga Wagga, NSW, Australia
PowerPoint Presentation


Abstract 22*** – Janus or Clio: Narrative History and its Place in VET Research
Peter Rushbrook
Charles Sturt University, Wagga Wagga, NSW, Australia
PowerPoint Presentation


Abstract 24 – Upskilling VET Practitioners: Technical Currency or Professional Obsolescence?
Berwyn Clayton¹, Regan Harding², Mark Harris³, Melinda Toze³
¹Work-based Education Research Centre, Victoria University, Melbourne, VIC, Australia
²TAFE NSW North Coast Institute, Alstonville, NSW, Australia
³QLD Department of Education and Training, Brisbane, QLD, Australia
PowerPoint Presentation


Abstract 25 – Engaging Volunteers in a Learning Environment
Liz Hamilton¹, Sharon Pells²
¹Fire and Rescue Services Industry Training Organisation (FRSITO), Auckland, New Zealand
²New Zealand Institute of Economic Research (NZIER), Wellington, New Zealand
No Paper Available

PowerPoint Presentation


Abstract 26*** – Management of Knowledge in Transnational VET: Diversity of Practice in Three Transnational Models
Mohammad Ali Rahimi¹, Helen Smith²
¹Deakin University, Melbourne, VIC, Australia
²RMIT University, Melbourne, VIC, Australia
PowerPoint Presentation


Abstract 27  ‘With a lLittle Help from my Friends’…The Role of Informal Support Systems and Life Skill Development in Enhancing Successful Transitions
Karin du Plessis, Tim Corney
Incolink, Melbourne, VIC, Australia
PowerPoint Presentation


Abstract 28 – Measuring the Socioeconomic Status of Young People
Patrick Lim, Sinan Gemici
National Centre for Vocational Education Research, Adelaide, SA, Australia

 Abstract 29*** – ‘Do You Want VET With That?’ Some Implications for Lifelong and Lifewide Learning in an Era of Universal VET

Barry Golding, Annette Foley
University of Ballarat, Ballarat, VIC, Australia
PowerPoint Presentation


Abstract 30*** – Most Significant Change Technique to Evaluate Staff Capacity Building
Sarojni Choy
Griffith University, Mt Gravatt, QLD, Australia
PowerPoint Presentation


Abstract 31*** – A Systems Design Approach for Investigating Australian TAFE Design Education
Christopher Klimek, Elivio Bonollo
University of Canberra, Canberra, ACT, Australia
PowerPoint Presentation


Abstract 33 – Allowing the Tail to Wag the Dog: Practical Strategies for Promoting an Integrated Tertiary Education Sector
Brian Knight
National Centre for Vocational Education Research, Adelaide, SA, Australia
No Paper Available

PowerPoint Presentation


Abstract 34*** – Getting Senior Schooling to Work: Workbased Learning in a Senior Secondary School in Hong Kong
Peter Kell¹, Rupert Maclean¹, Benjamin So¹, Susan Ha², Francisco Wong², Linnie Wong²
¹Hong Kong Institute of Education
²CCC Kung Lee College
PowerPoint Presentation


Abstract 35*** – Legitimising Evaluation for Vocational Learning: From Bastard Sibling to Equal Brother
John Guenther¹, Allan Arnott²
¹Cat Conatus, Ulverstone, TAS, Australia
²Charles Darwin University, Alice Springs, NT, Australia
PowerPoint Presentation


Abstract 36 – VET Leadership: Context, Characteristics and Capabilities
Justin Brown
Australian Council for Educational Research, Camberwell, VIC, Australia
PowerPoint Presentation


Abstract 37 – Eat Your Words: An Investigation into Food Literacy as a Means of Stimulating an Appetite for Learning and Engagement
Helen De Campo
Monash University, Melbourne, VIC, Australia
PowerPoint Presentation


Abstract 38 – Using VETCAT and CURCAT to Re-Conceptualise and Re-Vitalise VET Work and Workers
John Mitchell¹,², John Ward², Anne Dening³, David Kempº
¹John Mitchell & Associates, Pyrmont, NSW, Australia
²JMA Analytics, Pyrmont, NSW, Australia
³TAFE SA Regional, Nuriootpa, SA, Australia
ºTAFE NSW – New England Institute, Armidale, NSW, Australia
PowerPoint Presentation


Abstract 39*** – Two Faces Have I – Knowledge in the “Mixed Sector” Vocational Curriculum
Chris Corbel
AMES, Alphington, VIC, Australia
PowerPoint Presentation


Abstract 41*** – The Psychological Contract in Apprenticeships and Traineeships: Differing Perceptions
Erica Smith¹, Arlene Walker², Ros Brennan Kemmis³
¹University of Ballarat, Ballarat, VIC, Australia
²Deakin University, VIC, Australia
³Charles Sturt University, Wagga Wagga, NSW, Australia
PowerPoint Presentation


Abstract 42 – Toolbox for Success
Stuart Sadler, Sandra Cotton
Polytechnic West (PWA), Midland, WA, Australia
No Paper Available

PowerPoint Presentation


Abstract 43 – Music Mentor: The Action Research Project 2010
Ross Stagg
Western Sydney Institute of TAFE, Penrith, NSW, Australia
No PowerPoint Presentation Available


Abstract 46 – Challenges, Risks, Good Practice in Offshore Delivery of VET
Sue Foster¹, Bernadette Delaney²
¹Private Consultant, Patterson Lakes, VIC, Australia
²Delaney & Associates, Kew, VIC, Australia 
PowerPoint Presentation


Abstract 47 – Looking Back on VET through a Class History of the Worker Education Association in Australia
Grant Banfield
University of South Australia, Adelaide, SA, Australia
No Paper Available

PowerPoint Presentation


Abstract 48*** – Tracking the Key Policies on Sustainability, VET and Transition to a Low Carbon Economy
Mike Brown, Damon Cartledge
La Trobe University, Bundoora, VIC, Australia
PowerPoint Presentation


Abstract 49*** – Teaching VET in Victorian Secondary Schools
Mike Brown
La Trobe University, Melbourne, VIC, Australia
PowerPoint Presentation


Abstract 50 – Storming the Walls: Re-Engaging Students in Vocational Education
Stuart Middleton
Manukau Institute of Technology, Auckland, New Zealand
PowerPoint Presentation


Winner of the Early Career Researcher Award – AVETRA 2011:
Abstract 52*** 
– A Victorian Tale of Two Texts: Skills Reform and the Multi Business Agreement
David McLean
Monash University, Melbourne, VIC, Australia
PowerPoint Presentation


Abstract 53*** – Rethinking Pathways: Comparing the Career Capital of Knowledge Workers in Australia and Singapore
Roger Harris¹, Catherine Ramos²
¹University of South Australia, Adelaide, SA, Australia
²Institute for Adult Learning, Singapore
PowerPoint Presentation


Abstract 54 – Multiple Views: Bridging Complacency and Action in Implementing a strategic plan in a VET Organisation
Carmel Ellis-Gulli, Rosalind Carter
TAFE NSW, Sydney, NSW, Australia
PowerPoint Presentation


Abstract 55 – Restor(y)ing Lives: Autobiographical Reflection and Perspective Transformation in Adults Returning to Study
Jennifer Miles
Monash University, Clayton, VIC, Australia
PowerPoint Presentation


Abstract 56*** – Communication is Key: An Examination of the Development of Communication Key Skills in Vocational Education in China
Zhong Hua, Ann Harris
University of Huddersfield, United Kingdom
PowerPoint Presentation


Abstract 57*** – The Ignored Pedagogical Dimension in VET Delivery of the Training Packages
Homi Azemikhah
University of Adelaide, Adelaide, SA, Australia
PowerPoint Presentation


Abstract 60 – Scholarship as Emergent Labour: Higher Education Teachers in TAFE and the Making of Scholarship
Fleur Goulding¹,², Terri Seddon²
¹Holmesglen, VIC, Australia
²Monash University, Monash, VIC, Australia
PowerPoint Presentation


Abstract 61 – Managing the Training Time Bomb
Steven Hodge
Deakin University, Geelong, VIC, Australia
No Paper Available

PowerPoint Presentation


Winner of the Best Paper Award – AVETRA 2011:
Abstract 62*** 
– Beyond Deficit Approaches to Teaching and Learning: Literacy and Numeracy in VET Courses
Stephen Black, Keiko Yasukawa
University of Technology, Sydney, NSW, Australia
PowerPoint Presentation


Abstract 63*** – Navigating Contestability: VETMAP – An Institutional Response
Mark O’Rourke¹, Adetoun Alabi¹, Lyndon Shea²
¹Victoria University, Melbourne, VIC, Australia
²Shea Business Consulting, Australia
PowerPoint Presentation


Abstract 64 – Supporting Successful Learning Pathways Using E-Portfolios and Mobile Devices
Allison Miller¹, Owen ONeill²
¹Australian Flexible Learning Framework, Adelaide, SA, Australia
²e-Works, Melbourne, VIC, Australia
PowerPoint Presentation


Abstract 65 – Scoping VET Interest in Re-Skilling Older Australians for Encore Careers: The Strengths and Weaknesses of  ‘Exploratory’ Research
Jane Figgis
AAAJ Consulting Group, Perth, WA, Australia
No Paper Available

PowerPoint Presentation


Abstract 66 – Paths to Promotion
Linda Simon, Annette Bonnici
TAFE Teachers Association, Sydney, NSW, Australia
Full Survey
PowerPoint Presentation


Abstract 67 – TDC Model- VET Practitioner Framework
Denise Stevens, Melinda Waters
TAFE Development Centre, Melbourne, VIC, Australia
No Paper Available

PowerPoint Presentation


Abstract 68 – The Textual Coordination of Front Line Work in VET
Lauri Grace
Deakin University, Geelong, VIC, Australia
PowerPoint Presentation


Abstract 69*** – Exploring the Role of Australian Trade Unions in the Education of Workers
Keiko Yasukawa, Tony Brown, Stephen Black
University of Technology, Sydney, NSW, Australia
PowerPoint Presentation


Abstract 70 – Improving Qualification Outcomes – Successful Socially Inclusive Teaching and Learning Strategies
Carol-Anne Blecich, Jane Kelly
TAFE NSW – South Western Sydney Institute, Sydney, NSW, Australia
PowerPoint Presentation


Abstract 71 – Living and Learning in a Company Town: Social Inclusion, Sustainability and VET
Jenni Carter
University of South Australia, Adelaide, SA, Australia
No Paper Available

PowerPoint Presentation


Abstract 72 – Completing for Success at South Western Sydney Institute (SWSI)
Carol-Anne Blecich, Rosemary Lasaro
TAFE NSW – South Western Sydney Institute, Sydney, NSW, Australia
PowerPoint Presentation


Abstract 73 – My Point of View: Using E-Learning to Improve Trades-Based Learning Experiences for Students and Their Teachers
Ruth Wallace¹, Milton Nomikoudis²
¹Charles Darwin University, Darwin, NT, Australia
²Royal Melbourne Institute of Technology, Melbourne, VIC, Australia
No Paper Available

No PowerPoint Presentation Available


Abstract 74*** – New Tools for Old Hands: E-Portfolios for Career and Professional Development in Remote Education Workforces
Alicia Boyle
Charles Darwin University, Darwin, NT, Australia
PowerPoint Presentation


Abstract 77 – The “Value” of Evaluating Teaching Practices for Continuous Improvement
Lydia Richards
University of South Australia, Adelaide, SA, Australia
PowerPoint Presentation


Abstract 78 – Perspectives on TAFE Teachers’ Professional Identity: Dualities and Dilemnas
Phoebe Palmieri
Monash University, Clayton, VIC, Australia
No Paper Available

PowerPoint Presentation


Abstract 79*** –  Technical and Vocational Education Voices for Sustainable Economies – Are We Really Listening?
Damon Cartledge
La Trobe University, Melbourne, VIC, Australia
PowerPoint Presentation


Abstract 80*** – Fruitful Learning Ecologies: Building Effective Partnerships
Jude Cooke, Patricia Kenny, Nola Randall-Mohk
TAFE NSW, Sydney, NSW, Australia
PowerPoint Presentation


Abstract 83 – Paving A Better Path: Improving Transition to University for VET Students
Janelle Davis, Janice Catterall, Dai-Fei Yang
University of Western Sydney, Sydney, NSW, Australia
No Paper Available

PowerPoint Presentation


Abstract 86 – Getting Clever about Completions
Susan Roy, Lyn Rickard
TAFE NSW, New England Institute, Armidale, NSW, Australia
PowerPoint Presentation


Abstract 87*** – Mine! No Mine! A Critical Analysis of Cross-Sectoral Design
Barbara Cram
University of Canberra, Canberra, ACT, Australia
No PowerPoint Presentation Available 


Abstract 88*** – Pedagogical Practices across the Tertiary Sector: Summarising the Literature on the Pedagogical Support for Students Moving from VET into Universities
Mike Brown¹, Erin Withers², Cathy Down³, Jane Figgisº, Jacqui McManus²
¹LaTrobe University, Bundoora, VIC, Australia
²University of New South Wales, Sydney, NSW, Australia
³Charles Sturt University, Wagga Wagga, NSW, Australia
ºAAAJ Consulting, Perth, WA, Australia
PowerPoint Presentation


Abstract 89 – New Researchers and New Research Communities: An Exploration of Strategies for the Development of Research Capability and Capacity in Continuing Education and Training in Singapore
Andrew Brown, Joyce Tan
Institute for Adult Learning, Singapore Workforce Development Agency, Singapore
No PowerPoint Presentation Available 


Abstract 90 – Building Career Capital: A New Lens for Understanding the Development of VET Teachers and Trainers?
Michele Simons
University of South Australia, Adelaide, SA, Australia
No Paper Available

PowerPoint Presentation


Abstract 91*** – The Transferability of Vocational Education and Learning from the Military Context to the Civilian Context 
Tony Holland, Lisa Groves
University of Technology Sydney, Sydney, NSW, Australia
No PowerPoint Presentation Available 


Abstract 92 – Indigenous Models of Workforce Development and Training in Northern Australia
Ruth Wallace
Charles Darwin University, Darwin, NT, Australia
CRC National Plant Biosecurity, Darwin, NT, Australia
No Paper Available

No PowerPoint Presentation Available


Abstract 94*** – Challenges for Continuing Professional Learning: Singapore’s Trainers
Helen Bound
Institute for Adult Learning, Singapore
PowerPoint Presentation


Abstract 96  AVETRA Annual Conference Papers, 1998-2009: Trends and Implications
Ian Robertson
RMIT University, Melbourne, VIC, Australia
No Paper Available

PowerPoint Presentation


Abstract 98 – Workplace Learning Experiences of Trainees Engaged in Singapore’s Workforce Skills Qualifications (WSQ) Training
Magdalene Lin, Helen Bound
Institute for Adult Learning, Singapore
No PowerPoint Presentation Available 


Abstract 100 – UQ College – Opening Up New Pathways
Gerry Corcoran
UQ College, Ipswich, QLD, Australia
No Paper Available

PowerPoint Presentation


Abstract 101 – Mobilising a Confessing Technology and Techniques in Vocational Teaching and Assessment
Andreas Fejes
Linköping University, Sweden
PowerPoint Presentation


Abstract 103 – Sizing -Up Offshore VET: The Data-Policy Nexus
Caitlin Harris
TVET Australia, Melbourne, VIC, Australia
No Paper Available

PowerPoint Presentation


Abstract 104 – The Aque Dux Project at Harvester Technical College: An Approach to Evidence Based Sustainability Curriculum Development and Applied Learning
Adela McMurray¹, Linda Mitchell²
¹RMIT University, Melbourne, VIC, Australia
²Harvester Technical College, Sunshine, VIC, Australia
No Paper Available

PowerPoint Presentation