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The Research Process

Introduction to “The Research Process”

Where to start

National VET landscape

The working ten point plan

What am I actually doing in this research?

Diagram of research process

Competing paradigms of social knowledge creation

Further resources – General works

How to write a literature review

About writing a literature review

Writing literature reviews

Sourcing and referencing the literature

Further resources – Literature reviews

How to write a research proposal

Scoping a research proposal

Resources for writing a research proposal – websites

Further resources – Research designs

Ethics requirements & ethics applications

Introduction to ethics considerations

Research ethics

Ethical considerations

Ethical practice as a student: undertaking projects and assignments in workplaces and other institutions

AVETRA Code of Practice

NHMRC-Australian Code for the responsible conduct of research

Further resources – Ethics

How to develop a methodology

Mixed methods: The third methodological movement

Self as instrument – case studies in VET research

Resources – Research methodology

How to select research methods

Case Studies – How many? How to select?

How to collect data for the project

Why should they give me time for interviews or fill in my questionnaires?

Developing instruments for your VET research

Further resources – Collecting data

How to analyse the data

Thematic analysis

Coding your documents in VET research

Tabulating key conceptual relationships in a VET study

Further resources – Analysing data

How to address quality criteria in the research design

Quality frameworks and procedural checklists for mixed methods research

Further resources – Quality criteria

How to present the findings

Writing up case studies in VET

Structures for project write up

Writing up and publishing in the NCVER template

Publishing your research findings

Displaying your VET research findings

Further resources – Presenting findings